Social media for social impact - A cooperation between beramí & Social DNA

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Social Media for social impact - a cooperation between beramí & Social DNA

Our social commitment stems from our promise to unleash potential. And because we like to think and act strategically, we have teamed up with a great organization to consolidate and multiply our social impact. You can find out how we are working together in this article.

About beramí

For more than 30 years beramí e.V. has been an important player in Frankfurt am Main in the professional integration of predominantly women with migration experience. Political issues such as equal opportunities, the advancement of women, equal participation and a clear stance against racism, discrimination and exclusion still guide the association today. beramí is a pioneer in the realization of projects that support migrants in achieving professional and social participation. With its work, the association sets positive and lasting accents for a diverse society.

Around 30 innovative, labour market-oriented offers of vocational advice and qualification, mentoring, preparation for training, job-related German language support and the promotion of social participation and political engagement are currently being implemented. The aim is to be able to use the qualifications and professional experience gained abroad to the benefit of the labor market and ultimately to achieve social participation. The services offered by the association are as diverse as the people who take advantage of the courses and advice.

A strong partner for sustainable social impact

Social responsibility has been a high priority on our corporate agenda from the very beginning. It is firmly woven into our DNA and our self-image as an organization with regard to our role in society. Even before day one of our existence, we asked ourselves how we as a company could live up to our own aspirations as founders, but also the aspirations of our colleagues, partners and customers with regard to social responsibility. A first step in this direction was our participation in the 1% Pledge - our goal of donating 1% of our annual turnover to charitable organizations and projects. This is what happened in the years 2018, 2019 and 2020.

However, it was also clear to us from the outset that our social commitment should not be limited to monetary donations. Team Social DNA brings together collective and individual experience, expertise and passion, embodied by every single member of the organization. We want to use this potential not just selectively, but regularly, in order to generate the greatest possible impact. To this end, we have been on the lookout for a suitable cooperation partner and have come across a super exciting organization in beramí as an enabler for people with migration experience.

When selecting a suitable cooperation partner, we used the following criteria (excerpt) as a basis, which beramí fulfills in full:

  • In line with our intention to support the city of Frankfurt and the region, the organization should also come from here and its social impact should also be felt here.
  • It's about making our expertise as social media marketing experts available to social projects. We want to share our knowledge with people so that they in turn can fully exploit its potential for themselves.
  • Ideally, the organization should be independent. An organizational structure (e.g. association) that takes care of its own financing and is managed directly by the founders/initiators or their appointed successor.

Since the summer of 2020, we have been working with beramí to create offers to support people with migration experience in developing career prospects.

LinkedIn training - opportunities and potential for job searches

In particular, (online) training courses for the professional network LinkedIn have become established in our collaboration to date. During these training sessions, participants are informed about the use and possibilities of LinkedIn, especially for job searches and career development. This is because many of the participants are in the preparation and orientation phase for applying to the German job market. By working together, valuable practical tips for creating profiles can be offered, which are urgently needed due to the digitalization of the application and job market across all industries.

The training sessions include a brief introduction and classification of the platform and the most important dos and don'ts that you should know when using LinkedIn. In particular, the participants are enabled to use the full potential of their personal LinkedIn profile, to network, to search for jobs and to apply for and draw attention to themselves via LinkedIn. The training sessions met with great interest right from the start and are gladly attended in large numbers by the participants of the various funding projects.

Facebook Post: LinkedIn Training Social DNA & berami (December 2020)

Consulting, coaching, mentoring - The further joint path of beramí & Social DNA

The LinkedIn training sessions are to be continued in the future to help even more motivated people increase their chances of success on the job market. With more regularity and greater frequency, the training sessions are to become one of the cornerstones of the collaboration between Social DNA and beramí.

In addition, the Social DNA colleagues also make themselves available for input in various workshops and events, depending on their knowledge, skills and experience. Most recently, the Social DNA founding team Carmelo & Nemo took part in a mentee-led workshop on the topic of ""Finished your studies! What now?" regarding the digital application process and possible careers in the marketing environment.

Social DNA is now also advising beramí on how to present and position the association on social media in order to develop and expand a targeted and authentic strategy for its social media presence. This will be accompanied by further professionalization of the association with regard to digital topics and targeted addressing of relevant target groups, cooperation partners, society, politics and business via social media.

Facebook post: beramí - More courage to create (October 2020)

In future, the cooperation will also include Social DNA's participation in personal sponsorships & mentoring for motivated women with a migration background. The NeW4Job+ program from beramí makes women returning to work fit for the digital job market. As part of this program, the participants receive a comprehensive qualification offer in which Social DNA provides support in areas such as online applications, digital skills, online & social media marketing, etc. support, for example.

We are very much looking forward to the further development of our cooperation!

"The beramí participants who took part in Social DNA's LinkedIn training courses are enthusiastic. We are therefore delighted that Carmelo Russo has also offered to support the beramí association in social media topics. It is a unique opportunity to benefit from the know-how and experience of professionals. Our wish is to position beramí even better on social media in order to address our target group, but perhaps also to reach other circles in society. For a non-profit organization that is dependent on public funding and private foundations, this is comparable to winning the lottery... In addition, we enjoy working with the friendly representatives of Social DNA. We look forward to continuing our collaboration!"

Connie Goldstein

Connie Goldstein

Press and public relations beramí e.V.


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