Social DNA Team
Corporate Influencer
The relevance of podcasts is steadily increasing. In our article "Podcasts: A goldmine for advertisers?" we described the reasons, current statistics and opportunities for advertisers. As big podcast fans coupled with our passion for social media, we now present the top 5 podcasts on the topic of social media marketing. Compared to the USA, there are still comparatively few social media podcasts in Germany and so two of the best English-language social media podcasts have also made it onto our list.
Social Marketing Nerds Podcast
Hosts: Jan Stranghöner and Ben Küstner
Main topic: Social advertising
Language: German
Description: As "Social Marketing Nerds", Jan Stranghöner and Ben Küstner primarily provide tips on efficient social advertising strategies. In addition to the podcast, the two are also responsible for the social advertising conference Ads Camp. In addition to the performance focus, interviews with well-known figures from the German social media scene also cover other topics, such as in the episode "Sweepstakes & Engagement Baiting 2019" with Felix Beilharz.
Social Minds - Social Media Marketing Podcast
(Podcast available on all platforms)
Hosts: Theo Watt and Eve Lily Young
Focus: Social media trends
Language: English
Description: Podcast of the British social media agency Social Chain, whose majority shares were taken over by the German entrepreneur and ex-ProSieben CEO Georg Kofler. Besides this very exciting side story Social Chain is simply a very exciting and dynamic social media agency. This podcast focuses primarily on general social media topics and, in particular, social media trends and data science insights.
AskOMR Podcast
Host: Andre Alpar
Main topic: Online and social media marketing FAQs
Language: German
Description: The special thing about the AskOMR format is that anyone can here and get their questions answered by Andre Alpar and colleagues in one of the next episodes. Around a third of all episodes deal with social media topics, such as the episode "OMR Report: Facebook Advertising with Florian Litterst". The answers to other questions from the online marketing sector are also always helpful for us in the social media context.
Adsventure Podcast
Host: Florian Litterst and Sebastian Vogg
Main topic: Facebook / Instagram Advertising
Language: German
Description: The latest podcast from this round comes from Facebook Ad Pro duo Florian Litterst and Sebastian Vogg. In addition to the podcast, Florian runs the blog of the same name Adsventure. By the way, Sebastian has another podcast on the topic of self-employment in online marketing. Of course, the two of them focus primarily on the Facebook advertising cosmos. If you want to dive really deep into the topics of campaign setup and optimization, you should definitely listen in here.
The Science of Social Media Podcast
Host: Hailley Griffis, Heather Maypousti, Dave Chapman
Focus: Social media tools, tips and tricks
Language: English
Description: This podcast, run by social media management tool provider Buffer, is not a promotional event, but offers a social media pressure refueling in short episodes on general, but also specific social media topics such as "Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Live Video Anymore?" or "6 Simple Ways You Can Use Neuroscience to Increase Marketing Productivity".