Social media trends 2024: analyses, strategies and recommendations for action

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Social Media Trends 2024: Analyses, Strategies and Recommendations for Action


Who would have thought that Marc Zuckerberg would be the shining winner in the social media game in 2024? We certainly didn't. But Meta, with its brands Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and now Threads, is back on the social media throne after a long dry spell. Followed by the other two social media winners in 2024: TikTok (content and influencer marketing mecca) and LinkedIn (B2B and professionals' favorite child).

Marc Zuckerberg can thank Elon Musk in particular, who plunged Twitter (X) into chaos after his takeover and offers a global platform for at least questionable, if not unethical, content. Many companies and advertisers no longer want anything to do with the platform and are turning their backs on it. Meta has skillfully filled this gap with its new Threads platform. Find out more in the trend Bye Bye Twitter (X) and Hello Threads.

Instagram also developed well and even overtook TikTok in terms of growth and user numbers this year. All user figures, growth and our Social DNA channel matrix can be found in the chapter Social media platforms 2024 - user figures, growth and classification.

Another smart move by Meta appears to be the introduction of broadcast channels on Instagram and WhatsApp. We shed light on the implications for companies in the Trend Newsletter 2.0 - Broadcast channels on Instagram and WhatsApp.

LinkedIn also continued to flourish and reached a milestone in platform development at the end of 2023 with one billion registered users. From a German perspective, the final farewell to Xing as a competitor can be observed. The increasingly popular social media marketing tactic of corporate influencer initiatives is further fueling the professional use of the platform (see trend LinkedIn continues on course for success with corporate influencers and AI power).

Over the past year, TikTok has established itself as a mainstay in the social media marketing mix - especially for marketing campaigns aimed at the younger target group. However, this will not remain the case as TikTok users inevitably age along with their platform. Meanwhile, the platform is struggling with the first adult problems: ad fatigue, politics, slowing growth and much more. However, TikTok continues to set standards in the area of 9:16 video content creation, influencer marketing and user-generated content. But while TikTok alone has set new content impulses in recent years, it is now up to TikTok to copy other formats (Stories and Carousels) and start its own experiments in the field of social shopping. (Trend #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt and TikTok content).

Another trend that TikTok and Instagram have brought "on the map" this year is "social SEO". GenZ no longer googles for "cafés nearby", but uses TikTok or Insta to get a picture of the location or company (trend social media is the new Google (+Search Ads)). We discuss how the world of influencer marketing has evolved in the trend UGC content and B2B influencers.

In the chapter " Active community management or unhinged marketing?", we talk about a new generation of community managers who have perhaps become a little too infected by the TikTok culture and are fishing for compliments among 15-year-olds in the name of their company instead of actively promoting community management. The meme marketing trend is also critically examined in this chapter.

First, however, we look at THE hype topic in all digital areas. In the AI Social Media Trends chapter, we write about the impact of artificial intelligence on the social media world.

As always, you can find out what all this means for companies' social media marketing strategies at the end of the article under Social media trends 2024 - recommendations for action for companies.

Trend 1 - AI social media trends

AI, or artificial intelligence, has become increasingly important in recent years and is now a much-discussed topic. Google Trends has even created a separate category for the top 10 most frequently asked AI questions of the past year . One of these questions is: "How can I use AI?" The answer to this question also plays a decisive role in the area of social media.

A significant step forward is that AI 👉 enables automation and personalization. Social media managers can partially automate time-consuming tasks such as scheduling posts, analyzing data and responding to queries. This creates space to focus on strategic aspects, such as the development of target group-specific content. With the help of AI-driven algorithms, social media platforms can also offer personalized content and recommendations. This advanced personalization enables social media managers to better understand their target groups and offer relevant content to achieve predetermined goals. Through 👉 AI chatbots, community management is also already equipped with AI.

Bild der Nutzung von AI

AI has long been used as a sentiment analysis and crisis management tool. Algorithms can automatically recognize the sentiment of posts associated with a brand or campaign. This makes it possible to react to crises at an early stage and develop strategies for image management. AI has also secured a place in the creative sector, as it helps to quickly generate ideas and edit 👉 images and even 👉 videos.

For companies and agencies, AI is a tool that makes everyday work easier in various areas. In contrast to other fast-moving trends on social media, AI is here to stay. It will accelerate and improve creative processes in particular. We are excited to see how AI will develop in 2024. Our assumption about the development of AI can be divided into four hypotheses: Especially in the areas of ideation, publishing and visuals, those who use AI will have a competitive advantage. However, this can also lead to a decrease in quality and an increase in fake content. Building trust and awareness will therefore become even more important. AI will establish itself as a standard tool in companies - for tasks relating to social media, this means shifting the focus more towards strategy, management and controlling.

Trend 2 - #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt and TikTok content

"Excuse me, it's 2023" and you've never bought anything because you saw it on TikTok?!

TikTok has established itself as one of the world's few leading social media platforms, whereby the ongoing trend is not only due to the variety of content, but also to the opportunity to directly influence consumer behavior. After all, there is hardly anything better for brands and companies than when their own products go viral.

Under the hashtag 👉 #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt (already over 84.9 billion views at the time of publication), trendy drinks, food variations, products and clothes are not only generating a lot of user-generated content on TikTok, but also causing shelves to be emptied in no time at all thanks to videos on TikTok. For example, a viral video about feta pasta meant that feta was no longer available in various supermarkets. Companies such as 👉 Rossmann and DM have taken advantage of the megatrend and have already set up their own #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt landing pages and displays in their stores.

#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt is a good example of the effects TikTok can have on the demand for products. However, the decisive factor is how the content affects sales. After all, the hype can disappear just as quickly as it came. This poses a 👉 challenge for companies that have to deal with the rapid dynamics of TikTok trends. Ultimately, the question remains as to the long-term effects on the market and for whom such a phenomenon will actually become established.

How nice it would be if you could shop online immediately from TikTok... Wait a minute! There was something! While other platforms such as Meta & Co. are discontinuing their shopping services, TikTok has turned online retail on its head once again and is now presenting the 👉 TikTok Shop. However, the concept is not entirely new and has long been known as "social shopping". Anyone who wants to sell something via TikTok soon can do so immediately within the app. However, it is yet to be launched in Germany.

In addition to all these trends, new formats & features were also introduced and although 9:16 video has been one of the central content formats on the platform for years, this time it was TikTok that copied functionalities from other platforms and not the other way around.

Stories have become an integral part of many platforms, so why not TikTok? That's why users can now publish their own TikTok stories:

But another very popular content format is now also available on the platform: Carousels (which can even be set to music).

The platform continues to be characterized by 9:16 short videos with creative elements. However, the era of "trashy" short clips is almost over, not least thanks to the many TikTok creators who are known for their high-quality videos.

Trend 3 - Social media is the new Google (+Search Ads)

We are currently experiencing a shift in the world of digital marketing: social media is replacing traditional search engines in some places, particularly among the younger target group. 👉 According to a study by inriver, only 23% of respondents use Google as their first port of call when searching for information online. Generation Z proactively uses social media platforms to find out about products, brands and, of course, places such as cafés, clubs and restaurants.

TikTok gegen Google

Users are primarily interested in getting a more complete and authentic picture of the company. This user behaviour is also recognized by the platforms. The search function on TikTok, for example, offers the option of filtering results by post type. Categories are also suggested under "You might like this". In order to be visible and be found by searchers, it is increasingly important to work with the right keywords on social media and gain SEO relevance.

Why not place ads where people are actively searching? TikTok has developed this idea into an advertising option and created the "Search Ads Toggle". Advertisers on TikTok have the opportunity to place their ads within the search and pick up users exactly when they already have a need and are looking for a solution. 👉 TikTok's results show that 70% of ad groups that have activated the "Toggle" placement achieve a more efficient conversion.

Trend 4 - Proactive community management or unhinged marketing?

Proactive community management differs from reactive community management in that it not only responds to direct requests and comments, but also pursues an active strategy for brands and companies. Here, they specifically look for opportunities to get involved in various conversations and topics and thus also make contact with communities outside their own. This is not just about appearing in comment columns, but rather about organically positioning your own brand in a targeted manner. In 2023, this trend celebrated its triumphant advance on TikTok in particular and was used by many well-known companies (e.g. Deutsche Bahn, McDonald's, Netflix) to show a more informal, fun side. Proactive community management offers small brands the opportunity to generate attention and reach, as the following example shows: Here, the American Lung Association used the release of a new Taylor Swift album to skillfully showcase itself, alongside other larger brands:

Proaktives Community Management von kleinen Marken

In contrast, unhinged marketing is a more extreme form of community management in which companies attract attention through polarizing comments or actions, often at the expense of others. In doing so, they follow a trend that may not even fit their own brand. A negative example of this is the exchange of blows between EDEKA and ProSieben, in which the two brands give each other nothing:

Unhinged Marketing in Form von Community Managegement

It is therefore a fine line between making a targeted contribution to discussions, which can have a positive impact on brand image, and overshooting the mark with cost-of-living comments, which can have a negative impact on one's own brand image. It is to be expected that this trend, which peaked at the end of 2023, will slow down in 2024 and be viewed increasingly critically.

Trend 5 - Newsletter 2.0 - Broadcast channels on Instagram and WhatsApp

One-to-many or one-to-one? How broadcast channels can revolutionize the traditional newsletter format!

Last year, Meta set new standards in the communication landscape with the introduction of 👉 Instagram broadcast channels and 👉 WhatsApp channels. These innovative functions enable creators and companies to send targeted messages to a broad target group without losing the charm of personal interaction.

Instagram-Broadcast-Channels und WhatsApp-Kanälen

The importance of broadcast channels lies in their ability to reach followers on a large scale and in real time. These public news channels make it possible to keep the community up to date, provide behind-the-scenes insights and encourage interaction through texts, photos, videos and surveys.

When sharing posts in broadcast channels, a message window opens for users who have voluntarily joined the broadcast channel or channel. In contrast to personal direct messages, they can usually only react or vote in polls, but not reply themselves. This prevents an uncontrollable reaction to the shared content.

With broadcast channels, companies now have a way to share relevant information, disseminate updates and even conduct interactive surveys. This direct communication not only strengthens the connection with customers and business partners, but also enables a faster response time and more flexible business processes. In addition, only users who are already interested in the company are reached. This avoids major scattering losses in one-to-many communication.

Compared to traditional newsletters, broadcast channels on WhatsApp and Instagram offer real-time communication that attracts attention. Instead of being overlooked in the inbox, messages reach users' mobile devices directly, creating an immediate connection.

Due to the increasing importance of artificial intelligence, one-to-one communication, especially in chat, is also becoming more relevant again. AI-controlled chatbots from various tool providers make it possible to have automated conversations with users on the platforms .

The future of corporate communications looks set to become even more diverse through broadcast channels and the use of artificial intelligence on platforms, while redefining the boundaries between one-to-many and face-to-face interaction.

Trend 6 - UGC content and B2B influencers

Trust, integrity and authenticity are the common pillars that companies and influencers (should) share. By integrating high-reach social media users into corporate communications, brand awareness can be increased quickly - a potential that is becoming increasingly valuable not only for the B2C sector, but also for the B2B sector. In this context, we would like to take a closer look at the key factors that are crucial for successful collaboration.

When it comes to social media, B2B companies are often faced with the communicative challenge of communicating products and services that require explanation in an understandable and entertaining way. In the meantime, enough influencers and thought leaders have developed in the respective niches so that influencer collaborations are also becoming increasingly effective in the B2B sector.

Bild einer Person, die Produkte für Social Media präsentiert

As there are significantly fewer cooperation partners here, the focus should be on long-term partnerships. Such partnerships not only enable continuous collaboration, but also promote deeper insights into content and joint marketing strategies.

Another element in the influencer marketing cosmos that should not be underestimated is the topic of 👉 user-generated content (UGC). In this social media discipline, agencies and companies no longer rely solely on their own posts or those of influencers, but also on content created by "normal" social media users. In some cases, this content can be integrated into a company's own content strategy much more cost-effectively and offers a perspective on an equal footing with the corporate community.

Of course, companies can also integrate automations for user-generated content into their usual customer touchpoints. Examples such as Airbnb, which encourages its guests and hosts to share their experiences under the hashtag #Airbnb and republishes the best influencer-generated content, show the effectiveness of this approach.

In summary, influencer marketing helps not only to build a loyal community for the brand, but also to sustainably increase engagement and conversion rates. In a world where the market is constantly changing, the importance of these strategic partnerships will continue to grow.

Trend 7 - LinkedIn continues on course for success with corporate influencers and AI power

In November 2023, LinkedIn passed the impressive mark of one billion members and is considered the world's leading business network. To continue its dynamic growth, LinkedIn is increasingly relying on 👉 new AI tools. To this end, LinkedIn is working more closely with OpenAI and Microsoft. The new AI functions include "Accelerate", a tool designed to increase the efficiency of advertising campaigns on LinkedIn(👉 So urce).

Although the importance of 👉 AI is emphasized as a useful tool for creating high-quality content, the platform's focus is clearly on human interaction and authentic personal branding. For this reason, LinkedIn has updated its algorithm to curb AI-generated mass content without added value(👉 So urce).

The trend towards the "social CEO" will also continue to grow in 2024. Executives and top managers are increasingly using LinkedIn to interact with their audience, share insights and strengthen their personal brand. Companies also benefit from this in many ways. Not least due to the role model function of a social CEO, more and more employees are also using LinkedIn actively, routinely and increasingly professionally. In the B2B sector, the importance of corporate influencers is growing, as their expertise and authenticity contribute significantly to a positive overall perception of their company and employer brand.

With the new "Thought Leader Ads" ad format, LinkedIn has created an opportunity to advertise posts by employees via their profiles, thereby building a personal connection with the target group and strengthening trust(👉 So urce). The innovative ad format offers great potential for increasing influence and visibility, especially as part of corporate influencer programs(👉 So urce).

Trend 8 - Bye Bye Twitter! Hello Threads?

X criticized

Since its acquisition by Elon Musk in 2022, X, formerly known as Twitter, has come under heavy criticism. The platform has faced various challenges, ranging from the polarizing name change to issues with disinformation. One major point of criticism is X's decision to leave certain harmful posts on the platform as "public records", raising concerns about the spread of disinformation and content moderation. In addition, there have been legal threats against researchers documenting an increase in hate speech on the platform. These developments have prompted a number of companies to leave the platform.

Beispielposts von Twitter

The rise of threads

Threads, an offshoot of Instagram and a product of Meta, was rolled out worldwide in July 2023 and finally throughout the EU on December 14, 2023. Thanks to its direct connection to Instagram, Threads was able to gain one million users within an hour of its launch. No other digital platform has ever achieved this in such a short time. The initial hype for Threads is very noticeable, but many users also report that the fun of Threads wears off after just a few weeks. At the moment, the platform still seems to be finding its feet and the future of Threads is uncertain.

Implications for the social media strategy

The current dynamics in the social media landscape, particularly the rise of threads and the challenges that X faces, offer important lessons for businesses and brands. Diversifying presence on different social media platforms is crucial to reach target audiences more effectively. At the same time, the case of X illustrates how quickly public opinion about a platform can change. It is therefore of utmost importance to be agile in responding to such changes in order to protect brand image and ensure long-term success.

Social media trends 2024 - recommendations for action for companies

  1. AI can be your social media intern, graphic support and sparring partner - no more and no less. Integrate AI in the right place. Be careful with completely AI-generated content. Use it contextually.
  2. TikTok can help you stay up-to-date in the social media sector, so we recommend that anyone who does not yet have a channel should at least start experimenting in 2024, for example by running advertising campaigns without their own channel.
  3. Dedicated community management is key. Also comment under viral posts, but please always keep the brand essence in mind.
  4. Social media is expanding to include "pull marketing mechanisms". Integrate search ads into your strategy and use social media SEO, especially for walk-in customers.
  5. Check the relevance of Twitter (X) for your company. You may be hurting your brand more than helping it.
  6. In addition to corporate influencer initiatives, B2B companies should also launch influencer marketing programs and build long-term relationships, e.g. with tech nerds with reach.
  7. Companies should update their LinkedIn strategy in 2024 and bring several areas of the company together. This is because LinkedIn offers added value for corporate communication, marketing, sales and HR.
  8. 9:16 Short-form video content is essential. Rethink internal resources, partners and processes to produce this type of content effectively.

Social media platforms 2024 - user figures, growth and classification

In this article, you can find out all about the social media user figures for 2024 and their growth over the past year. You will also find interesting facts about the individual platforms and a classification of the channels in our Social DNA channel matrix.

Social DNA channel matrix 2024

We classify the most important social media platforms according to user numbers and growth into four categories: Specialists (comparatively few users and low growth), Rising Stars (comparatively few users but high growth), Elephants (many users but low growth) and Heroes (many users and high growth). We will also be happy to send you the version adapted for the German market on 👉 request .

Social-Media-Plattformen nach Nutzerzahlen und Wachstum


  • Users worldwide: 3.05 billion Monthly Active Users (MAUs)(👉 So urce).
  • Users in Germany: 21,800,000 - 25,600,000 reachable FB users in the Ad Manager at the time of publication.
  • Growth: 3% in monthly active users(👉 So urce).
  • The Family of Apps (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp) has 3.96 billion MAUs(👉 So urce).

Facebook Updates 2024:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Facebook plans to roll out significant AI-driven updates throughout 2024, including more refined use of AI-powered discovery engines for content recommendation, especially Reels and Ads (sources: 👉 1, 👉 2).
  • AI-powered chatbots: Facebook Messenger will integrate AI-powered chatbots to improve customer service and lead generation(👉 So urce).
  • E-commerce integration: E-commerce integration will continue to grow on Facebook, with online shopping becoming a central part of the Facebook experience(👉 So urce).
  • User Generated Content (UGC): UGC will continue to increase engagement rates for Facebook ads. Companies must therefore develop an effective UGC strategy in order to achieve optimal results with Facebook ads in 2024(👉 So urce).
  • Organic A/B testing API: Facebook introduces an organic A/B testing API that allows page owners to test different variations of a new post to determine the best performance(👉 So urce).
  • Hobbies feature removal: Facebook will remove the "Hobbies" feature from the app to focus more on user behavior than self-reported interests(👉 So urce).
  • Facebook Ads: Meta now allows the integration of AI-generated images. These must be labeled if they are used in ads(👉 So urce).
  • Facebook algorithm: The algorithm is being further developed to make content more personalized for users, with factors such as meaningful interactions, AI-supported prediction of dwell time, relevance scores and a balanced mix of content types playing a central role(👉 So urce).


*No Monthly Active Users (MAUs) are specified for Germany.

Did you know?

  • YouTube Shorts broke the 50 billion daily views mark in February 2023(👉 So urce).
  • YouTube removed the Dislike button from the platform in 2021(👉 So urce).
  • Technically speaking, YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google(👉 So urce).
  • YouTube is banned in 6 countries(👉 So urce).

YouTube Updates 2024:

  • Stricter AI rules: Artificial intelligence plays an important role in content creation. There are more and more automated YouTube channels and creators who outsource the creation of content using AI software.
  • Focus on authenticity: Creators are increasingly dispensing with elaborately produced videos and focusing on authentic, unfiltered content instead.
  • Thumbnail competition: YouTube has introduced a tool for testing thumbnails to help creators get more watch time. You can upload multiple thumbnails and test them against each other(👉 So urce).


  • Users worldwide: Over 2.35 billion MAUs(👉 So urce).
  • Users in Germany: 27,900,000 - 32,800,000 reachable Instagram users in the Ad Manager at the time of publication - and thus more than Facebook + FB Messenger + FB Audience Network.
  • Growth: Around 17.5 % (see 👉 Social media trend articles 2023).

Instagram Updates 2024:

  • Instagram trends for 2024 include a focus on Gen Z, such as creativity in personal style, fandom, wellness and sustainable fashion (sources: 👉 1, 👉 2).
  • New functions are being tested:
    • Instagram is testing a feature that allows users to share stories with multiple groups. The new feature gives users more control over who can see their stories. Users can create separate groups for different contacts (e.g. work, school, family). Previously, Stories could only be shared with the "Close Friends" list. The expansion of the function reflects Instagram's focus on direct messages (DMs) and stories(👉 So urce).
    • Instagram is testing the ability to create stories specifically for friends, which should enable easier collaboration and more interaction on the platform. The function could offer brands a simplified way to collect user-generated content(👉 So urce).
  • Instagram will continue to refine features for shoppable posts and stories to convert engagement into sales(👉 So urce).


TikTok Updates 2024:

  • TikTok Live: A new feature that allows users to start live streams directly from the app(👉 So urce).
  • The upcoming trends ""Curiosity Peaked", "Storytelling Unhinged" and "Bridging the Trust-Gap" are designed to help brands adapt to the changing needs of the TikTok community and create deeper connections (👉 Source).
    • Curiosity Peaked: TikTok users are looking for more than just a "right answer". Companies need to create more relevant, useful and exciting content than ever before to pique users' curiosity.
    • Storytelling Unhinged: Stories are told differently on TikTok. There are different storylines and fictional content is also used extensively. Users invent fictional celebrities and stories together. Unusual narrative structures are used in ads to arouse users' interest.
    • Bridging the Trust-Gap: Consumers are looking for brands that lead positive social change and are transparent. With TikTok, brands can communicate directly with their customers and the community to build trust and value.


  • Users worldwide: More than 1 billion(👉 So urce).
  • Users worldwide: 310 million MAUs(👉 So urce).
  • Users in Germany: 18 million (according to Ad Manager).
  • DACH users: 22 million(👉 So urce).
  • Growth last year: around 12.6 % (see 👉 Social media trend articles 2023).

Did you know?

  • More than 11 million members have activated LinkedIn Creator Mode since its launch in March 2021(👉 So urce).
  • LinkedIn is available in 26 languages(👉 So urce).
  • Bill Gates has the most followers on LinkedIn(👉 So urce).
  • LinkedIn has more male than female members(👉 So urce).
  • Over 67 million companies are on LinkedIn(👉 So urce).


  • Users worldwide: 482 million MAUs(👉 So urce).
  • Users:inside Germany: 16.8 million MAUs(👉 So urce).
  • Growth last year: 11 %(👉 So urce).


  • Users worldwide: 406 million Daily Active Users(DAUs)*(👉 So urce).
  • Users:inside Germany: 15 million MAUs(👉 So urce).
  • Growth last year: 12 %(👉 So urce).

*Only Daily Active Users are shown, not Monthly Active Users (MAUs). The number of MAUs is roughly estimated to be approx. 50 % higher.

X (Twitter)

Did you know?

  • Elon Musk is the person with the most followers on Twitter(👉 So urce).
  • Twitter could lose around 32 million users in 2024(👉 So urce).
  • Elon Musk took over Twitter in October 2022 as part of a 44 billion dollar deal(👉 So urce).

*Only Daily Active Users are shown, not Monthly Active Users (MAUs). The number of MAUs is roughly estimated to be approx. 50 % higher.


  • Users worldwide: 120 million MAUs(👉 So urce).

Did you know?

  • The short message service reached the 1 million user mark within 1 hour(👉 So urce).
  • Threads has only been available in the EU since mid-December 2023(👉 So urce).


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